Hand Crank Generator High Power Charger for Outdoor Mobile Phone Computer Charging 30W/0-28V with USB Plug (DHL Shipping)

$144.00$180.00 Sales(16)Collect0

DC Buck Step Down Module LM2596 DC-DC 4.0~40V to 1.25-37V Adjustable Voltage Regulator With LED Voltmeter DC-DC 2A Short Circuit

$2.16$2.70 Sales(456)Collect1

10pcs Smart Electronics 4pin KEYES KY-028 Digital Temperature Thermistor Thermal Sensor Module Switch for Arduino DIY Starter

$7.56$9.36 Sales(450)Collect1

High Precision AM2302 DHT22 Digital Temperature & Humidity Sensor Module For arduino Uno R3

$3.24$4.32 Sales(548)Collect1

lm2596 LM2596S DC-DC 3-40V To 1.25V-35V Adjustable step-down power Supply module Voltage regulator 3A

$1.42$1.60 Sales(569)Collect1
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